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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Elie's Appetite

Our little Elie Belly is a very good eater. The moment she started eyeballing our food, we knew she was close to ready to start trying solids. This was right after she had turned six months old. Now, when I was pregnant, I ate a pretty wide variety of foods because I had read that if you don't want your baby to be a picky eater, you should expose them (in utero) to many different flavors. I did just that! At six months, we only started her out on simple cereals... we referenced the book: Super Baby Food to find out at what age she should be to start trying certain foods and how to introduce them... she pretty much ate whatever we gave her during those early months. That made me feel really good!

Elie checking out the produce
But then... each month brought a new challenge, didn't it? Keith and I thought we knew exactly what she liked, and she would prove us wrong by refusing to eat foods she had once liked. Or just gagging very dramatically (as in the case of avocados.) It became a real challenge to feed her. Sometimes she would refuse anything pureed, when at first that's all she could and would eat. Then she wanted texture to her food. Then she didn't want texture. Then it didn't matter, but she had to have cheese. That hasn't changed, actually... it was such an easy protein to give her for snack times, and became one of her favorite foods. "Cheeeee!" she still squeals. She's our little Wallace (of Wallace and Grommit.)
Eating homemade applesauce

So, one thing I've recently figured out with her is that she doesn't like the same things more than two times in a row. (Exactly like her mother!) Yet another challenge when you're trying to create a couple batches of easily heated foods. We only heat her food on the stove, so it takes a little time and forethought. And her patience once she's hungry is pretty much nonexistent. I found a neat trick, though....
Peas are still her favorite
I'll make up some base food, like quinoa, couscous, Israeli couscous, etc., with veggie stock at first, then organic chicken stock. That will be the base, and then I'll add varieties of either peas (which are her absolute favorite still), butternut squash that I roast and store in the fridge, steamed carrots, etc. Then I top off the concoction with some shredded cheese.... just enough for her to get excited about. She likes cheddar, jack, parmesan, havarti... so far, every kind of cheese is good with her! I've tried the mixes of food myself, and they're really quite yummy!

Double-spoon action

She also loves chili! I've made several different kinds, using black beans, kidney beans, white beans, garbanzo beans, and pinto beans. She'll eat them all.... she likes foods that are easy for her little fingers to pick up and that mash up in her mouth easily. She has six teeth that we can see, and she uses them, but as of yet, not any molars. My Jamie Oliver recipe book that I got from Emily has a chili con carne recipe that I fell in love with, and which she really loves, too.... I've modified it many different times, and each time the chili is still delicious and Elie still enjoys them! I don't skimp on spices, either... in fact, I accidentally did tablespoons instead of teaspoons of the chili spices, and she didn't notice at all!
Our favorite veggie chili!

Elie eating chili
If you have any favorite toddler recipes (or tricks to get them to eat!) I'd love to know! I have to be on my toes with Elie lately... she keeps changing the rules on me! I'm just happy to see that she's growing and thriving, so I'm not worries on the few meals she doesn't want to eat much. As long as she seems to be healthy and her weight doesn't drop, I guess I'll consider us successful!


  1. I love this blog about Elie. She is growing and thriving from the start of the blog to now. She is such a joy. Looking forward to the summer and going on vacation and to the park and all that fun stuff!

    1. Thanks, Diane! I'm also looking forward to warmer weather so we can ALL get out of the house!! I don't even know if Elie will remember what a swing is, ha ha!


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